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Rieux (76340)
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Plan de Rieux

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Note moyenne pour Rieux
  1. je suis fan de cette ville !

    I think one of the most powerful relotaviens in the last quarter or so of the novel revolves around Tarrou's conversation with Dr. Rieux and their swimming together off of the pier. Tarrou admits that he has always had the plague. After Tarrou observed his father's snake-like tongue in the court, he was disgusted how human beings could wish murder and destruction on another. From then on, Tarrou dedicated his life towards the pursuit of combatting pain and suffering in the human species. Rieux and Tarrou, while atheists, view the nature of man as they find it. Human beings are flawed creatures, possessing in them the capacity for good and evil. For the both of them, common sense invokes the necessity to fight unrelentingly for the good of humanity. Tarrou always takes the side of the victims, and Rieux simply performs his duty by tending to the sick. When both Rieux and Tarrou find their sentiments mutual, on a crystalline night, the pair decides to go for a swim. They forget just momentarily Oran's suffering, instead basking in beauty we can all share together.As for the death of several main characters, I believe this makes the story more believable and powerful as an allegory. In times of pestilence, genocide, or unfathomable destruction, few are spared and only exile, separation, and love can unite a population. Tarrou and M. Othon's death serve as natural reminders that not even the just and brave will be spared the inevitable. One can only fight to one's capacity, and everything else is left to fate and to the absurd. Finally, on the issue of Dr. Rieux's confession. Dr. Rieux validates his position by narrating anonymously. By offering too many personal details, Rieux would bias the mutual sufferings of an entire town. Instead, by devoting his narrative to the community, The Plague is a portrait of an entire people living under a common tragedy, accurately portraying the sentiments common to every individual. [url=]ifpjyfo[/url] [link=]yghecjf[/link]

  2. j'aime bien cette ville !

    I need help in locating a miorrr that belonged to my grandfather, Joe Harnois/Beauharnais. The person who has the miorrr does not know that there are important papers inside the frame of the miorrr and LOCATING THESE PAPERS IS AN EMERGENCY!!!If you have any bulletin boards, please post this message.THANK YOU.

  3. j'aime bien cette ville !

    Cher Confre8re,Vous allez voter blanc.Courage allez + loin avec Bayrou en soutenant Hollande pour l obgelir e0 continuer les bonnes re9formes entreprises et e0 faire celles que Gerhard Schrf6der avait lance9 avec dix ans d avance :- l assainissement des finances publiques, re9forme la fiscalite9 (le taux marginal de l impf4t sur le revenu passe de 53 % en 1999 e0 42 % en 2004), les retraites et prend diverses mesures en faveur de l enseignement public, la re9duction des de9penses de l c9tat providence Il faut compenser l influence de Me9lanchon et autres chacals du PS comme dirait JF KAHNVotre bien de9voue9 confre8re.

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