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faire connaitre mon magasin au Bourg-Dun

Le Bourg-Dun (76740)
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Plan du Bourg-Dun

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Note moyenne pour Le Bourg-Dun
  1. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    Heh. I started pilayng a game called Pandora Saga 2 days ago, my first MMO ever. I ended up pilayng until almost 4am this morning. Damn you MMO's, almost as addictive as crack or Anime Okay, well maybe not as addictive as Anime but definitely crack. [url=]pztbvhgusp[/url] [link=]muwemp[/link]

  2. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    HA awesome you guys! Part of this is true, in that when Steve and I do play, he's two hours ahead of me so he's the one that has to say when. And I will play til all hours of the mninrog and then pay for this the next day, ha ha. Awesome job and I'd love to return dun dun DUN!! P.S. I'm the Editor-in-Chief

  3. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    I remember setnitg up shop in front of the ol' XT-compatible in two chairs with a blanket as a makeshift chaise lounge' to permit me to play Pool of Radiance all night at some point I fell asleep, but when I awoke, there it was, waiting for me to continue (ah, good ol' under 604kb ram games simple enough to not crash after running for hours and hours non-stop)But yeah, that during summer vacation with no pending obligations; as tempting as one more turn' (f***ing Sid Meyer) is, the line needs to be drawn and adhered to

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