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faire connaitre mon magasin à Grand-Couronne

Grand-Couronne (76530)
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Plan de Grand-Couronne

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Note moyenne pour Grand-Couronne
  1. j'adore cette ville !

    Dear Floss! All the best to you in 2012! Let this year be filled with love and let it be the best year yet. I find it so stangre the British are taking down the Christmas decorations so soon... My Christmas tree is definitely staying for a couple of more weeks! :) [url=]mqzgsfkpe[/url] [link=]pspxisb[/link]

  2. je suis fan de cette ville !

    Your breakfast sdouns really interesting, and oh how lovely to hear that there are some people out there who aren't dieting! The whole of Norway is working out and trying new diets like mad....a few weeks...then it's all forgotten...same story every year :-) sighing. Business as usual pigging out and no dieting :-). Enjoy your celebrations and the good food. I seem to remember hearing about epiphany, but don't know anything else about it. Happy New Year, blessings Pam

  3. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    Sorry to have missed your herlafett post when it was first up - I'm trying hard to catch up with all the blog post I missed over the holidays! It was very interesting to read, and I admire you for getting through all the things I would balk at. Lucky you to be enjoying galette des rois - I will be singing 'J'aime la galette' repeatedly with the children at school next week and it will be making me drool. But as you've pricked my memory, and my husband is in France at the moment, I may just ask him to bring me one back!x [url=]vqlsduzc[/url] [link=]vbowcgh[/link]

  4. j'aime vraiment beaucoup cette ville !

    Oh thank you so much for this, Floss! We have a church worekr coming to stay for five weeks and she arrives on Saturday- I had wondered about doing an Epiphany cake thing to welcome her instead of kings! Or we could just call her la reine Charlotte! I'm going to investigate all the links. Sounds much more fun than actually cleaning her room! I emailed everyone I knew who had age appropriate language learners, but have had absolutely no response. Typical British attitude to langues vivantes! If your student would be interested in little epistles from Strawberry Land, coloured in and who knows what, we'd be glad to send her some English in return for some nice new French? And she wouldn't even have to hear our Northern Irish accents!

  5. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    I've just read both posts Floss and how I felt for you in those early days - I can remember sitntig crying when we first arrived in France and thinking that lovely though it was it wasn't ever going to be "home" so I know how difficult those first days can be!! I also remember those gateaux des rois and how I wondered how I could possibly eat another portion as everyone was so keen to offer them when we visited! I still have a couple of the little fevres as keepsakes. I am so glad that you are so well settled now - I wonder if we would have settled better if we had made the move when we were younger but as you know I don't regret those few years and I am in constant touch with my French friends and a few of the English ones too but am now back in my beloved West Country and wouldn't change anything for the world!!

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