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Les Baux-Sainte-Croix (27180)
} tourisme, photos, infos...

Vous souhaitez faire connaître un vide-grenier à Les Baux-Sainte-Croix, ou tout autre événement : brocante, salon de collectionneurs, marché de noël, etc.
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Plan de Les Baux-Sainte-Croix

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Note moyenne pour Les Baux-Sainte-Croix
  1. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    Please consider acetncipg electronic submissions of artwork photos in the future. Quality artists have digital copies of the professional photos of their work and while it is possible to get good quality slides made from digital files if necessary, it is much more difficult to get good quality paper prints. Artists are quite willing to format their files to given specifications for a show and the result for you is copy-ready images for your promotional materials and images that are easily displayed on your web site. Also you mentioned 150 artists, does this include the International Crafts? It would be nice to know the ratio of imported to domestic vendors, how large the International Crafts section will be, and whether it will be separated from the self-made art and crafts or not. Since imported goods are often cheaper, your applying artists need to be able to decided if the can, or are wiling to compete with imported good for a share of the buying market at the event. Thanks so much for making comments available. I hope they have been helpful to you and that you have a great event this spring. [url=]fezwqdg[/url] [link=]sstjjznpwer[/link]

  2. je suis fan de cette ville !

    Bonjour,je suis actuellement dans un loemegnt prive9 ou mon loyer me coute 1050e je peux plus continuer comme sa car nous avons deux enfant.Nous avons trouver un loemegnt social et j aimerai savoir combien de temps il pourrait donner mon preavis sachant que je quitte le prive9e pour un loemegnt social.merci beaucoup

  3. je trouve cette ville correcte !

    My prleobm was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.

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