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Broglie (27270)
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Plan de Broglie

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Note moyenne pour Broglie
  1. j'aime bien cette ville !

    I would agree with the K-9 Assumptions however, K-9 has one eye band that seems to be lit with searvel lights or led's in the 2006 model. While the wheel's do look familiar, K-9 appeared first in the 1977 episode Invisible Enemy. Also, K-9 did not have a jaw, but did have an extendible antenna on his eyes. If someone could ID the battery in it would be a start. Amazing construction, so much packed into such a small form, this was truly an amazing piece of machinery. Today all of that could fit in a furbyish sized device and work almost as well. Please let us know if someone figures it out. [url=]mqjrpc[/url] [link=]nniguffcyxc[/link]

  2. j'adore cette ville !

    1. 3 hours2. 7pm weekday eenivngs, Saturday mornings or Sunday late afternoons3. Individual Classes4. Hands-on5. Regions, pastry, Soups/Stews, Cheese/Wine pairings6. Wine pairings, Tasting of items prepares, Dinner, recipes7.8. I just returned from Paris and already missing the wonderful food and ambience of a well cooked french meal! Tonight I'll be dining at Cafe Presse for the first time. Please add me to your email list. Cooking classes would be wonderful!Julie

  3. j'adore cette ville !

    Superbe carte qui me re9concilie avec le bleu...merci pour ta carte "merci" (on n'arreate pas les remerciements, c'est riolgo...)pour sale a bration, on peut commander aupre8s de toi ? si oui ? dis moi la marche e0 suivre...bises

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