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Beauficel-En-Lyons (27480)
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Plan de Beauficel-en-Lyons

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Note moyenne pour Beauficel-En-Lyons
  1. j'aime vraiment beaucoup cette ville !

    Hi Jan,interesting question. I didn't necotid this at all. I think this has something to do with the difference of the dynamic range both cameras are able to capture. As the 5D has a larger sensor and a higher resolution the dynamic range is larger as well. I necotid this instantly when I got the camera. With the 5D highlights do not burn out so fast as with the 350D. Maybe that's the reason why I always had to under expose with the 350D. Also I'm using manual mode every frequently with the 5D.Thanks for your thoughts. Maybe I should take some shots of one particular scene with both cameras.

  2. j'aime vraiment beaucoup cette ville !

    Hi Graeme. I like the photo's. This species seems to be quite coommn at Dungerness I have managed to photograph quite a few this week (May 23/25). Also got a couple of not very good pictures of a female Phlegra fasciata. I've been back for more, but no luck so far!Mike.

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